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These give rise to our vision: 

  • They help the congregation hold the leadership and pastor accountable in teaching and worship

  • Give us markers and habits to shape our ministries, and members.

We value:                                              

1)The Good News of Jesus. (GOSPEL CENTERED) We are all sinners in need of forgiveness and Jesus.  Jesus is the only guy who gets to wear a cape here.  When we talk to each other we need to remember that the person we are talking to is not perfect…but neither are we.  That changes how we talk to others and treat them, making it harder to judge and write them off.  Christ called us to love as He loved us and strive for peace.  We will model humility before God, seeing that He is the one who makes us holy and chosen. We will nurture humility towards one another remembering that Jesus makes them holy too.

2)Building Intentional Relationships. (FELLOWSHIP) Jesus came to restore our broken relationship with God. Because of this, we see the purpose of being intentional in our relationships. We connect with others because God, in Jesus, has connected to us. We will create places and times for people to build those caring connections with others and model restoring and strengthening relationships.

3)Saved people serve. (SERVICE) Jesus’ mission was revealed in word and deed.  We too have a chance to bless others with our time and talents for God’s glory, their good and our joy.  We will equip and plan times of service for our members.


4)You either grow or decay. (GROWTH) This is true relationally, physically, and spiritually too! We want to constantly provide and remind folks to grow in their faith through groups, relationships, study, personal reading, worship and accountability. We will provide and model growth in spiritual things.





Each one reach one…we are growing in the good news of Jesus and can’t help but want others to grow too.

  • We keep on growing

  • Our relationships grow and improve

  • Others see a loving, caring, contagious culture

  • We meet people where they are

  • We join Jesus where He is working

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